Mr. Margulies’ drama TIME STANDS STILL focuses on Sarah and James, a photojournalist and a foreign correspondent trying to adjust to life when danger is not a daily threat.  Wounds, both physical and mental, complicate their efforts to resume a normal life when they return to the U.S.


Through witty dialog and realistic situations, the play explores both personal relationships and long-held beliefs previously taken for granted.  Neither heavy-handed nor simplistic, the story raises a primary question about ourselves - are we observers, or participants?


Sarah Goodwin ………..…………………………..……………............…..…….........................……… Karin Davis

James Dodd …..…………….……………………………….…..………............................................ Stephen Davis

Richard Ehrlich ……………………..…………………….…..……………………………..….………… Harvey Gerry

Mandy Bloom ………….…..…………………………………………………………………….… Cathleen Kaufmann


Director ………………………………………………………………………………...………………..…… Roy Mroch

Co-Producers ………..…………...………..……….………...….... Keith D Greenleaf, Stacey Groves, Roy Mroch

Technical Director ……….....……………………………………………….…………..…………………… Roy Mroch

Set Design ………......….…………………..…………….…………………………………….…….……… Roy Mroch

Set Dressing / Props Design …..................................................................................................... Stacey Groves

Costume Design ………….…...…..………………...………………….………………….... Stacey Groves and Cast

Make-Up Design …………………………..........…................................................................……… Anne Garmon

Lighting and Sound Design ………………....……………..………………………………..………..…….. Roy Mroch

Program Design ………..…………….........................................................................………… Keith D Greenleaf